Rabbi RosenbergChumash Parshas Ha’Shavua
Pirkei Avos
Headlines & Halacha
Wednesdays at 8:30pmhttps://zoom.us/j/97945934815For Men & Women
Rabbi RosenbergNavi – Melachim II Mondays at 8:30pmhttps://zoom.us/j/97945934815For Women
Rabbi RosenbergGemara Mesechta Avoda ZarahThursdays
at 8:30pm
https://zoom.us/j/97945934815For Men.
Mrs. GrossmanNaviTuesdays at 11:15 amhttps://zoom.us/j/610306791
Dial by your location:
+1 669 900 9128 US
Meeting ID: 610 306 791
Password: 211211 
For Women.
Mrs. GrossmanChumash & TefilahThursdays at 11:15 amhttps://zoom.us/j/610306791
Dial by your location:
+1 669 900 9128 US
Meeting ID: 610 306 791
Password: 211211 
For Women.
Rabbi MendelsonPreparing for Kabolas HaTorahTuesdays at 8:30 pm (last class May 26th)https://zoom.us/j/2664206358
Meeting ID: 266 420 6358 Password: 7hNi04
Rabbi MendelsonVaries, Parasha RelatedThursdays at 8:45 pm https://zoom.us/j/2664206358
Meeting ID: 266 420 6358 Password: 7hNi04
Young Adult Men’s class
Rabbi LintzMishna BruraMon-Thu at 6:35 am https://us02web.zoom.us/j/525194936
Rabbi LintzFriday Shmues Friday
at 6:30 am
Rabbi LintzHalachaTuesdays at 8:00 pmhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/504560549
Rotating RabbanimHalachaFriday
at 6:35 am
Please contact info@valleyshul.com if you have more shiurim to add!

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